6 Tips for Working Comfortably While Pregnant
On January 31, 2025, 3:00 PM
Finding out you’re pregnant is one of the happiest moments in life but it also means significant changes during the next nine months. You’ll need to think about maternity leave, childcare and your upcoming hospital expenses.
For now, you need to ensure a healthy pregnancy and how it relates to your job. If you work outside the home, here are six tips to make your work life more comfortable while enjoying your pregnancy.
1. Tell your boss and coworkers.
Once you find out you’re expecting, it might be hard to contain the good news. Coworkers might notice you’re extra cheerful, so consider telling your boss and workmates as soon as you feel the time is right. Telling your boss will allow him or her to adjust your work schedule and help the company prepare for your upcoming leave. Be sure to tell your boss before your coworkers so the news comes straight from you.
2. Take charge of morning sickness.
Morning sickness is no fun and despite its name, it can hit any time of the day. The last thing you want is to feel nauseated in the middle of a business meeting. To take charge of morning sickness at work, always keep ginger ale, ice water, soda crackers and a mini-fan nearby. Tell your coworkers what’s going on in case you need to make a beeline for the restroom. As horrible as morning sickness feels now, it’ll pass in a few weeks.
3. Wear the right clothing.
One of the top ways to keep comfy at work while you’re pregnant is to always wear the right clothing. As much as you’d like to wear your pajamas, you can be just as relaxed in loose-fitting blouses, pretty tunics and elegant-looking business dresses. If you work in the medical field, special maternity scrubs look professional and feel roomy and soft. Also, make sure you wear support shoes and save your high heels until after the baby is born.
4. Pack healthy food.
You and your baby’s nutrition is of utmost importance during pregnancy, so be sure to pack the right foods for work. For snacks, take fruit, Greek yogurt, raw veggies or hummus in your lunch bag. Quick and healthy meals could include tuna on whole wheat, salad with chicken breast or even hot soup in a thermos. Be sure to drink water every day and stay away from salty and fried foods that cause uncomfortable bloating and acid reflux.
5. Get plenty of sleep.
Although you shouldn’t be sleeping at work, getting plenty of shut-eye at night will make your workday a lot smoother. Ideally, you should be getting between 8-10 hours of sleep per night, but sometimes heartburn or an active baby make it difficult. If possible, take a power nap on your break or as soon as you get home. If you’re in your third trimester and having trouble sleeping, try resting on your side and putting a pillow between your legs for added support. It’s important to be well rested and manage stress during pregnancy for your own sake and to keep your baby healthy and prevent potential dysautonomia.
6. Cut back on your hours.
Every woman’s pregnancy is different, and while some women become exhausted quickly, others work right up until they deliver. However, if you’re nearing the end of your pregnancy or have had complications, ask if you can cut back on your hours. Depending on your job, you might be able to work from home. If you decide to keep working 40 hours per week, take regular breaks and avoid strenuous activities like heavy lifting.
If you’re expecting a baby, you want every day on the job to be as pleasant as possible. By wearing the right clothing, packing healthy snacks and keeping coworkers in the loop, your pregnancy will be happy and productive.