7 ways to be a great leader at work

Leaders don’t always carry the title of CEO, president or manager. No matter what your role at work is, you can show leadership and have a positive influence on those around you.

Plus, demonstrating leadership may make you more eligible for that next promotion or raise!

Here are 7 tips you can start implementing now to brush up on your leadership skills:


First things first, great leaders always lead by example. They never see themselves as superior to their team and aren’t afraid to jump in and help with seemingly mundane tasks.

When employees see that their leader is willing to work hard and collaborate to get the job done, they’re more likely to do the same.

When you’re in a leadership position, it’s important to remember that your actions are being observed by those around you–and they can either motivate or demotivate your team. Always strive to lead by example and exemplify hard work in everything you do.


As a leader, you don’t have to be best friends with your team. In fact, it’s good to have some line of separation. However, it is important to take the time to get to know your team on a personal level and view them as individuals.

What motivates one of your team members might not motivate another, and each person has a unique outlook on the world. Each person on your team possesses different abilities and is at different stages in their career, and as their leader, it’s important to acknowledge this in order to bring out the best in them. Being connected to your team shows that you care, which goes a long way.


All great leaders share one thing: the trust of their team. Leaders who inspire trust foster a sense of loyalty, higher productivity and job satisfaction. In turn, this has a positive impact on the company as a whole.

Trust doesn’t come from just having a title–it’s earned over time. It comes from your ability to show commitment and stand through adversity, willingness to invest in the team, and ability to stand for what is right at all times.


Successful leaders know the importance of keeping their attitude in check. They understand that their attitude doesn’t just affect themselves–it sets the tone for the entire team.

This doesn’t mean you have to be perfect at all times. Life happens and everyone has bad days. However, the more positivity you promote, the more it will be adopted by your team. You play a critical role in creating the company culture!


Communication is everything in the workplace. Rather than taking a top-down approach, it’s important to ensure that your teammates feel heard. When issues arise, you want your team to be able to come to you and voice their opinions.

Additionally, it’s important to always encourage your team to speak up when they have ideas. Recognize the value that each one of your team members brings to the table–they’re on the team for a reason! This will create a much more pleasant work environment that leaves room for creativity and collaboration.


Leadership comes with great responsibility. When facing challenges, your team will look to you to provide inspiration, guidance and support. In addition to doing your work, you’re responsible for guiding your team and ensuring they have the resources they need to do their job well.

Effective leaders are willing to take responsibility for their actions and be an advocate for their team. When times are hard, they’re willing to step up to the plate and do what it takes to lead their team to success.


Great leaders acknowledge their strengths and weaknesses and are always striving to improve–whether this means reading books, listening to podcasts, or attending leadership conferences.

Leaders also know the importance of having a mentor of their own who can invest in them and encourage them in their growth. When it comes to leadership, there is always more to learn, and it’s important to keep developing in order to better serve your team.


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