More Money, Less Problems: This Tech Company Is Helping Small Businesses Keep Their Profits
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More Money, Less Problems: This Tech Company Is Helping Small Businesses Keep Their ProfitsDon’t let the cost of living crisis take your biz down.
The cost of living crisis has the majority of the world in a chokehold. From price hikes at grocery stores to rising rent costs, it’s no surprise people are doing it tough, especially small businesses.
Jacob Wackerhausen / Getty Images
In a survey conducted by Aussie tech platform Thriday, 38% of 200 small businesses said they experienced losses in the previous financial year. The contributing factors included “stagnant growth, inflation, and cost pressures”.
Athvisions / Getty Images
If you haven’t heard of Thriday, here’s the 411. The app uses AI to make bookkeeping, invoicing, accounting and financial tracking simpler for small businesses.
Thriday’s CEO and co-founder, Michael Nuciforo explained that this collaboration gives small businesses a chance to not only “survive but thrive” in uncertain economic times.