5 food trends that are only popular in Accra
Accra, the bustling capital city of Ghana, is not only a place for business and culture but also a melting pot of unique food trends.
The city’s vibrant food scene showcases a blend of traditional ingredients with unexpected twists, creating distinctive dishes that are gaining popularity among locals and tourists alike. Here are five food trends that you’ll find almost exclusively in Accra:
1. Egg and pepper on every meal
In Accra, it’s not uncommon to find dishes like fufu and tuo zaafi served with a spicy egg and pepper sauce. This combination may sound unusual to outsiders, but it’s a beloved staple in Accra.
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This combination not only offers a rich mix of flavors and textures but also provides a balanced meal that is both filling and nutritious.
4. Infused pastries and drinks and candies
Accra’s food innovation extends to pastries, candies and drinks as well, with a growing trend in infusions.
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