Poll: How Would You Grade The Summer Game Fest 2024 Showcase?

Comments 28

1RBRTMNZ3h ago

Can you imagine having spent $50 to watch that live?


2LoquaciousB3h ago

Did Xbox just hold everything back for Sunday? Looks like it.


3FarmDog083h ago

Pretty weak. Glad Sunday is only 2 days away.


4redd2143h ago

C, was a good production overall, the expected ads weren’t too obtrusive for the most part which is a plus. Really only 1 game I’d consider buying but I can appreciate the variety


5PsBoxSwitchOwner3h ago

D. It was poor, there were a couple of sparkles on the turd.

Shame Xbox showed nothing at all, considering it’s a bigger/different audience


6Zochmenos3h ago

Fine, I guess. Nice to see Terry and Mai in SF and a potentially fun Power Rangers romp.

Everything else looked decent, nothing to keep you indoors this summer.


7K1LLEGAL3h ago

Opened with a Playstation (and Switch) game. Closed with a Playstation game. Standard Keighley.

I thought it wasn’t great. Power Rangers saved it! Go go Power Rangers!


8OldGamer9993h ago

Hope Xbox have an amazing show for us Sunday.
I need something to make the gaming market shine for me.


9Ichiban3h ago

I only watched a little, but it felt like I was being beaten with a bag of oranges. Just awful.


10MaccaMUFC3h ago

D, it wasn’t awful but a few certain games saved the show from being an F. It’s in Xbox’s court now to blow us all away on Sunday.

Now we know that each trailer costed $250K for one minute, we need to add up each trailer’s duration, its cost and judge its quality on whether it was a total waste or not.


11OldGamer9993h ago

Being honest if xbox wanted to pay the money they could have started and ended the show.
As simple as that.


12LoquaciousB3h ago

@K1LLEGAL I suspect it’s more to do with Xbox keeping their stuff for Sunday, rather than Geoff favouring PS over Xbox.


14K1LLEGAL3h ago

@LoquaciousB oh yea i’m sure Xbox wants their games at their own event. Just typical of a Keighley showcase, that’s all.


16somnambulance2h ago

It was rough. It’s starting to solidify what I’ll be playing the rest of the year though. Surely, Xbox and Nintendo MUST have better showcases! Right!? …right?


17AlwaysPlaying2h ago

@somnambulance Right, by the end of Sunday your faith will have been restored! Everytime I watch one of Geoff’s shows it leaves me thinking that Xbox wants no part of this event…


18Divide_and_Wander2h ago

I gave it a C based on what was shown. Nothing really knocked my socks off. Same with the Sony one. I really hope Xbox floors us. I would love for Nintendo to do that too, but I feel like they’re on their victory lap and they’ll be heavy emphasis on remakes/remasters.


19BAMozzy2h ago

From an Xbox perspective, it was somewhat lacking, as expected really and Sony isn’t doing anything themselves during this week.

Overall I thought mediocre at best after a ‘decent’ start.

With MS having their own Show and no doubt 3rd party ‘partners’ too, and Ubisoft as well to come, I just hope this was all that was ‘left’ as all the ‘exciting’ games that we’ll all be talking about are still to come…


21Fishysensei2h ago

Wait, Summer Game Fest has already happened?
Kinda thought it wasn’t gonna be until in a couple weeks.


23InsaneWade2h ago

I didn’t expect to see much from Xbox with the upcoming showcase. But for other systems, it was alright. So a C.


24OldGamer9991h ago

There was one big smart move in this show Sony.
Lego Horizons on Switch and Xbox should follow suit with a game similar out of there big name games.

See young switch owners when they get older move onto the big consoles, especially when they start older school.

Now Sony has a major AAA even though it’s Lego and connection to PlayStation on Switch.
That connection creates a future PS5 console sale when that young Switch owner wants a more grown up big flash console.

It’s so dam smart that move with Lego Horizon on Switch.


25MidnightDragonDX1h ago

Total garbage. For me, looking to XBox for third party (PS and Switch gamer), Ubisoft, and Nintendo. Hopefully not a total disappointment.


28BHPM24m ago

It was fine. Some cool stuff in there for sure, but not much that really wowed me. Some of my favourite stuff included Alan Wake 2 DLC and physical release (I knew it lol), Unknown 9: Awakening (was hoping to get a closer look at this since I forgot all about it, well there was my look at it), and the closer looks at the new Fatal Fury and Kingdom Come Deliverance 2.


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