Talking Point: What Other Bethesda Remakes Would You Like Xbox To Greenlight?

What else deserves a glow-up from Team Green?

by Ben Kerry Yesterday, 5:30pm

Well well well, we just can’t seem to go a week without another rumour about that darn Oblivion remake – with the latest reports suggesting that this Elder Scrolls re-do could be out in a matter of weeks. While we’ll be happy to see a nice little modernisation of the Bethesda classic, there’s also plenty of other projects we think Xbox should have greenlit since acquiring the company a few years back.

Of course, as the picture up at the top suggests – something Fallout-related is the obvious answer here. With Fallout 4 becoming 10 years old this year (yes, 10), alongside the massive success of the recent Amazon Prime TV show, it feels like we should be getting something new from Fallout to be honest. Remakes or remasters of Fallout 3 and New Vegas would be fantastic, Xbox – they both deserve a proper glow-up on modern hardware!

While we’ve focused on actual Bethesda Game Studios titles here so far, that doesn’t have to be the limit. We’ve talked a lot about Fallout here, and we’re going to continue to do so – what about reimaginings of the earlier games in the series? Fallout and Fallout 2 could do with proper console versions, and although the originals are beloved experiences, there’s lots of room for Bethesda to re-release these in some fashion for modern audiences.

Outside of those mentions, you could go further back within the Elder Scrolls IP of course – or maybe even something more niche? Bethesda at-large has lots of other IP it could pull from for potential remakes, including stuff like the original Prey on Xbox 360 or some of the older Wolfenstein games like Return to Castle Wolfenstein. It’s a treasure trove, really!

Aside from Oblivion, which classic Bethesda game would you like to see remade? Tell us your ideas down in the comments.

Ben is a News Writer at Pure Xbox, and is a fan of action, racing and straight-up shootin’ in any Xbox game he can get his hands on. When he’s not clutching an Xbox controller like his life depends on it, Ben spends his time listening to music that’s far too old for him, watching football on the telly and probably eating somewhere.

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