The Inventors Of Nintendo’s Switch Online Playtest Appear To Have Been Revealed

A creative mix

by Liam Doolan Yesterday, 12pm

Image: NintendoNintendo’s Switch Online Playtest Program struggled to contain leaks when it went live last year and it looks like the inventors behind this concept have now been revealed.

According to a new patent doing the rounds, the creative talent leading this playtest includes Yusuke Amano, Tsubasa Sakaguchi, Masaki Wada, and Shinya Yano.

As highlighted by Nintendo Everything, Amano and Sakaguchi directed the first Splatoon game on the Wii U (eventually moving onto Nintendo Labo), and Wada and Yano were the programmers on Ring Fit Adventure. Amano also worked on Splatoon 2’s ‘Octo Expansion’ DLC.


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