ASHRAE Announces Nominees for 2025-26 Slate of Officers and Directors
ATLANTA, GA – ASHRAE has announced its nominees for the 2025-26 slate of officers and directors.
Nominations for officers and directors were made by the ASHRAE Nominating Committee from a list recommended by individual members and from Chapters Regional Conferences.
The 2025-26 nominees are as follows:
Sarah Maston, PE, BCxP, LEED AP
Ashish Rakheja
Vice Presidents:
Trent Hunt
Andres Sepulveda
Directors and Regional Chairs:
Heather Platt-Gulledge – Region IV
Julia Timberman – Region V
Maggie Moninski – Region VI
Jason Alphonso – Region XII
Ching Loon Ong – Region XIII
Pankaj Dharkar – Region XV
Steve Kujak
Daniel Nall
Michael Pouchak
Alternate Director-at-Large:
Martin Dieryckx
ASHRAE members will vote on the nominees via electronic ballot in May. Bill McQuade, P.E., Fellow ASHRAE, LEED AP will serve as ASHRAE President for the 2025-26 Society Year.
For more information on the 2025-26 slate of officers and directors, visit ashrae.org/2025-2026slate.