Dem Strategist Says Trump Sounds Like a 90s Democrat Who Stole His Party’s Message and Verbiage
A cowboy hat-wearing Democrat strategist says President Donald Trump is popular and on top because he echoes 1990 Democrats like former President Bill Clinton. If that’s true then who or what are modern Democrats emulating?
Here’s more. (WATCH)
Democrat strategist tells CNN that Trump is winning because he sounds like a 1990s Democrat:
“I joined the Democratic Party in 1989 because I wanted to fight NAFTA. I wanted to drain the swamp. I wanted to make sure that my tax dollars weren‘t going to foreign wars or wasted.”… pic.twitter.com/pT3auOAepj
— KanekoaTheGreat (@KanekoaTheGreat) February 15, 2025He didn’t steal their verbiage. They discarded it.
— Josh McCoy (@JoshOrnot) February 15, 2025That sounds about right. The Democrats jettisoned their message that once resonated with the voting public and Trump simply picked up the best pieces and integrated them into his populist approach.
That helps explain why the working class has largely abandoned the modern-day Democrat Party. Posters see it.
Trump’s policies resonate because they echo the working-class values Democrats once championed. It’s a shame the party drifted, losing touch with its base. MAGA brings those values back to the forefront.
— Trump Gunner (@KingLagoswa) February 15, 2025It isn’t that they quit talking about those things, they shifted further left and abandoned those issues for more extreme ones. They left all those voters behind to be vacuumed up by Trump.
— Free To Speak (@FreeToSpeak71) February 15, 2025
Interesting observation. Trump basically adopted the old-school Democratic populist playbook while the modern Dems moved away from those core working class issues.
— Jack Mihoff (@JackMihoffX) February 15, 2025The Democrats replaced what worked with a mish-mash of extremist, nonsensical, destructive, progressive policies.
The poster below is right. The people in this pic were all once Democrats but left the party as it swung to the far left.
— Natalie F Danelishen (@Chesschick01) November 17, 2024Same… 90s Democrat, Gen Xer. Now a Republican. I may have changed parties but still hold the same ideals.
— Jon (@Jon49583047) February 15, 2025It’s true IMO. What seems to have happened is we have populist conservatives and classic liberals banded together in a big tent sharing a common agenda to stop war, reduce waste and focus on helping Americans. The old left and right paradigms and definitions are meaningless in…
— Megalo 777 (@JohnAllegretti) February 15, 2025The Republican Party is now the big tent party the Democrats used to aspire to.
The modern-day Democrats are the dregs.
Dem base is well-off “progressive” urban/suburban professional “laptop-class” college grads
— mytw0cents (@mytw0centst00) February 15, 2025The Democrat party has been overtaken by the woke mind virus. There is no coming back for them. Their TDS has ensured the collapse of their stranglehold on the populace. Trump fundamentally transformed the Republican party and awakened millions.
— Green Lives Matter (@Ultrafrog17) February 15, 2025Some are waking up to what the Democrat party has become.
— Brent D Gifford (@brentdgifford) February 15, 2025This is all apparent. We don’t understand why that Dem strategist is still a Democrat. All the things he says he’s for are MAGA positions. Not sure what he’s waiting on, the Democrats are only going to move more to the left. He’s pining for a Dem Party that’s never coming back.