Denise Crosby on Leaving Star Trek: I Wasn’t Going to Be ‘The Token Hot Blonde’

Some days you’re hard at work, trying to make a deadline on a Friday night. (That’s right now as this is being written.) Others, you’re sitting in the VIP lounge with Tasha Yar herself, Denise Crosby, sipping a cocktail as you sail through the Caribbean Sea onboard a cruise ship.

Call it that Star Trek life.

And so it went on the Star Trek cruise recently – a.k.a. Star Trek: The Cruise VII – and not just for me, either. Crosby has become something of a fixture at the annual event, and she’s certainly one of the participating Trek castmates who gets out and mixes it up with the fans who are sailing. Crosby is almost like a brand ambassador for the Star Trek cruise experience – just out there loving it with her fellow castmates and fans alike. Just look at this amazing photo of her being chased by “Armus” – a cosplay version of the alien that infamously killed her Trek character back in Star Trek: The Next Generation’s first season.

Denise Crosby onboard Star Trek: The Cruise VII (with “Armus”)

But as we sat down to talk, it became clear that Crosby has no regrets about her abrupt departure from the show back when it was still in its infancy. We talked about that, Tasha’s eventual return for one of the all-time great Trek episodes, and much more.

Killing Tasha Yar (One Bad Script at a Time)In 1987, Crosby was cast as one of the original cast members of Star Trek: The Next Generation as Enterprise security chief Tasha Yar. Tasha was a fierce fighter with a complicated past, and a striking presence on the bridge of the Starfleet flagship, but the actress found herself bumping up against a familiar Star Trek problem – being relegated to a “hailing frequencies” capacity while more prominent characters were given all the good storylines.

I suggest to her that, when she decided to move on, half of Hollywood probably thought she was crazy. She agrees.

Nobody leaves a TV show. You have a contract. I had a signed contract. -Denise Crosby

“And half of me thought I was crazy,” laughs Crosby. “It was like I saw it, I had to do it. And yes, 99% of people that have an acting job with a six-year contract are not going to ask to go out. And I don’t know that I would have 25 years later in my life, but I was young enough and perhaps naive enough to know that I was willing to gamble and take a chance. I was young enough that I knew I didn’t have a mortgage. I didn’t have children. I didn’t have private education to pay for. I didn’t have an ill relative that I was caring for. I didn’t have the things that would necessitate a different way to think about doing a job for a paycheck. So I was free to purely live creatively at that moment.”

Looking back on it now, she also points out that TV in 1986 was a very different beast than it is today, and first-run syndicated dramatic television – which Next Gen was an early adopter of – was virtually unheard of.

“It wasn’t the be-all, end-all for a young actor,” she says. “We were going to these amazing acting classes where we were reading all the great classics … I saw stuff in my acting class I still haven’t seen to this day, the level of talent.”

But getting out of her contract would’ve been much more difficult if it weren’t for Trek guru Gene Roddenberry, who had created and was still in charge of Next Gen at that time.

“Nobody leaves a TV show,” Crosby continues. “You have a contract. I had a signed contract. The only way I was able to do it was because Gene Roddenberry had total control. He wouldn’t have made another Star Trek if that were not the case, because he had been so abused by the process in the ‘60s. So he finally makes Next Gen, and he is given real autonomy. And he and I sat down like this together and he said, ‘Look, I wish you wouldn’t leave. I don’t want you to leave.’”

But Roddenberry ultimately gave his blessing, which meant Crosby was able to leave the show. It’s a funny thing though, because she says that the producers actually loved the character of Tasha Yar. But for some reason the scripts were not servicing the character; indeed, Season 1 of Next Generation is widely regarded as one of the lower points of the show’s run. And there was a lot of behind-the-scenes turmoil as well. Marina Sirtis, who played Counselor Troi, has said she was on the verge of being fired. And Gates McFadden, who played Dr. Crusher, was fired at the end of the season (she would return in Season 3). Still, this meant the first year ended with two of the three female leads leaving the show.

“And now they’re like, ‘Oh my God, there’s no … women,’” remembers Crosby. “So now we’ve got to keep Marina and Gates we’ll recast. … It kind of wreaked havoc. That wasn’t my intention. My intention was to get somebody in the room and tell me, ‘What is this going to be? What is this character?’ It’s such an incredible opportunity. You have so much here, but I’m not going to just be the token hot blonde on the show. But they had a ’60s mentality. It was all these old white dudes in the room until, God love them, until Gene passed. And it shifted. There was a shift when [showrunner] Michael Piller came onto the show [in Season 3] and things changed.”

Denise Crosby’s Star Trek Return (and Tasha Yar’s Redemption)Tasha was oil-slicked off the Enterprise, but Denise was beamed right into a successful career in both movies and TV, while also becoming something of an expert on the Trek fan community thanks in no small part to her successful documentary Trekkies, which she produced and hosted.

But of course, she did return as Tasha Yar to the bridge of the starship Enterprise two years after she had left, for the Season 3 episode “Yesterday’s Enterprise.” Through a bit of time travel and alternate timeline trickery, the episode gives us a version of the Star Trek world where Tasha is still alive. Not just that, but Starfleet is at war with the Klingons and things are, to quote Picard, “going very badly for the Federation, far worse than is generally known.” That even includes all the lights onboard being set to “dim”!


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