Experiments Aplenty at German School Science Fair 2025

Over the course of two eventful weeks, the German School Shanghai chemistry, biology, and physics laboratories were transformed into vibrant hubs of creative research for their Science Fair 2025, a project where students independently plan, conduct, evaluate, and present scientific experiments.

Since the beginning of the school year, 12th-grade students have been deeply engaged in planning and preparing their science projects. This year’s topics were diverse, ranging from constructing a microbial fuel cell to determining the vitamin C content of various samples to investigating airflow in a self-built wind tunnel.

Throughout their quest to answer their research questions, the students encountered new challenges that required flexible and creative problem-solving. Experiments were conducted, new insights were gathered, evaluations were made, and presentations were prepared up until the final moments.

With a total of 14 student groups participating in this year’s event, the culmination the Science Fair saw students present their projects to an interested audience and their subject teachers.

Joshua, Noah, and Felix shared their Science Fair 2025 experience with their project:

“For us students, the Science Fair is an opportunity to independently investigate a project of our choice and explore our scientific interests in greater depth. It also allows us to work practically in a team with our friends.

First, we had to identify a research question that could be scientifically investigated. We brainstormed several ideas and presented them to our subject teacher.

Ultimately, we agreed on the following problem statement: ‘To what extent does the radius of the inner cylinder of a Taylor cell influence the formation of Taylor vortices and turbulence when the rotational speed is increased?’

To successfully execute the project in our school laboratory, we initially explored various approaches used by professional institutions. However, due to budget constraints and the school’s equipment limitations, we had to find alternative solutions.

After several attempts, we discovered that a mixture of shaving foam, water, and mica powder—typically used for decorating drinks—worked effectively for visualizing the flow. With the support of school staff, we were also able to produce cylinders of various sizes and shapes using the school’s 3D printers.

During the lab days, we conducted and evaluated our experiments. Based on our findings, we concluded that the distance between the cylinders influences the radii of the vortices, but the speed, contrary to our expectations, has no effect on the size of the vortices.

Despite the numerous challenges we faced—such as plastics that couldn’t withstand the forces or mixtures that didn’t achieve the desired effect—we were able to successfully complete the Science Fair and even had the chance to assist other groups.

Overall, the Science Fair was a unique and rewarding experience for us.”

The German School Shanghai provides students with exceptional platforms like the Science Fair to develop their scientific skills, share their passion for science, and cultivate independent working methods. 

Through such initiatives, students learn to face challenges, overcome setbacks, devise innovative solutions, leverage their networks, and think creatively.

These qualities, experiences, and skills are essential for young adults as they prepare to embark on their professional lives.

The German School Shanghai is recognized as a science, technology, engineering, and mathematics STEM-friendly school—in German: MINT-freundliche Schule.

STEM-friendly schools foster enthusiasm for scientific, mathematical, and technical content, thereby nurturing the talents of their students in these fields.

The national initiative ‘Creating the Future of STEM!’ is under the patronage of the German Conference of Ministers of Education.

Find Out for Yourself!
German School Shanghai Open Days

At the German School Shanghai Open Days you will have the opportunity to observe a live lesson and join a school tour led by the admissions and the pedagogical team.

Deutsche Schule Shanghai YangpuTue, Mar 18, 9-11am

758 Jiangwancheng Lu, by Yinhang Lu, Yangpu District 江æčŸćŸŽè·Ż758ć·, èż‘æź·èĄŒè·Ż

Deutsche Schule Shanghai HongqiaoWed, Mar 26, 9-11am

350 Gaoguang Lu, by Zhuguang Lu, Qingpu District é«˜ć…‰è·Ż350ć·, èż‘èŻžć…‰è·Ż

To book your place, simply scan the QR code on the poster above


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