Gen Z’s TV Favorites: Which Shows Are Winning Over Young Viewers? | Chart

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Animation has big Gen Z appeal, while some major mainstay franchises miss the mark

Jenna Ortega in “Wednesday” (Netflix)

Gen Z is a vital audience for networks and streaming platforms, particularly as the age group develops disposable income of its own in the years ahead. Their viewing habits differ from older generations, characterized by shorter attention spans that drive them to short-form content, a preference for user-generated content and less interest in traditional TV. These habits present a challenge for an industry accustomed to traditional methods.

Gen Z — familiar with on-demand content accessible on multiple devices, including smartphones — represents a significant portion of streaming audiences. As a result, many shows are now tailored specifically to this demographic.

To identify the TV shows that resonate most with Gen Z, we will combine two of Parrot Analytics’ capabilities: Demand data and Audience Demographics.



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