If You’re Not Following These 9 Critical Etiquette Rules When Working At A Cafe, You’re 100% Annoying Everyone Around You
Tasty·Posted 9 minutes ago
“This Is Not Your Office”: How To Do Work At A Cafe In 2025 Without Bothering Everyone Around You, According To ExpertsIf you’re planning to turn a two-top into your personal office, don’t nurse the same cold brew for four hours.
Look, we’ve all been there — sprawled out at a cafe with our laptop, sipping something lukewarm while riding the WiFi like it’s free public transit. But the truth is, it’s not actually free. Somewhere behind the counter, a barista is judging you for taking up that two-top with a single black coffee for three hours.
So, how much do you need to order to balance freeloading and good manners? Are there different rules for weekends vs. weekdays? Of course. Is it busy? That matters too. But don’t worry — there is an imperfect formula to avoid becoming that person (you know, the one who doesn’t tip and asks for “just water”).
Weekend work is for WeWork.
Take the temperature of the room.
Use the two-hour rule.
Meetings are a hard no.
Make a seating sacrifice.
If you’re sitting down, pay up.
Chain vs. independently-owned business matters.
Do “The Great Outlet Hunt” before you order.
Remember the “regular advantage.”
All you cafe workers out there: What’s a rule that you follow to keep your fellow cafe-goers (and baristas) happy? Tell us in the comments.