JD Vance Forgets to Stick to the Script, Admits He and Donald Trump Will Defund Planned Parenthood in a Second Term

Less than a week after attempting to make people believe abortion rights arenā€™t absolutely on the line should he and Donald Trump win the election, JD Vance accidentally admitted he and his potential boss have plans to gut Planned Parenthood if voters are crazy enough to send them to the White House.

Asked over the weekend if a second Trump administration would defund the health care organization, Vance said, ā€œOn the question of defunding Planned Parenthood, look, I mean our view is we donā€™t think that taxpayers should fund late-term abortions. That has been a consistent view of the Trump campaign the first time around. It will remain a consistent view.ā€

Despite regularly crowing about helping overturn the constitutional right to an abortion, and sending the matter back to the ā€œstatesā€ā€”many of which now have extreme or total abortion bansā€”Trump has been trying to convince voters that heā€™s somehow a moderate on reproductive rights. (Last month, he told women that in a second term, ā€œYou will be protected and I will be your protector. Women will be happy, healthy, confident, and free. You will no longer be thinking about abortion.ā€) During the vice presidential debate against Tim Walz, Vance seemed to understand this, hence the decision to falsely claim heā€™s never been in favor of a national abortion ban, which he called for in 2022. But he apparently forgot the plan when questioned about Planned Parenthood on Saturday.

Not surprisingly the Ohio senatorā€™s claims regarding the work the nonprofit does were deeply misleading. As Jenny Lawson, executive director of the organizationā€™s super PAC, noted in a statement on Sunday, ā€œFederal funds cannot be used to provide abortion care at any point in pregnancy.ā€ On the flip side, she noted that the groupā€™s ā€œhealth centers do use federal funds to provide cancer screenings, birth control, STI testing and treatment, and many other essential reproductive health care services,ā€ and that defunding it ā€œwould only deepen and expand the public health crisis weā€™re already in thanks to Donald Trump, causing more people to suffer and die for lack of basic reproductive care.ā€ (As for late-term abortions in general, less than 1% of all abortions performed in 2021 were done so at or beyond 21 weeks; for his part, Trump regularly lies about Democrats supporting abortions occurring after a baby is born, a claim that is too stupid for words.)

During Trumpā€™s first term in office, his administration introduced a rule that would have cut as much as $60 million in government funding from Planned Parenthood, though the rule was tied up in court and later rescinded by Joe Bidenā€™s administration. (Plenty of damage was done anywayā€”as The Washington Post notes, ā€œmany providers had already shut down in anticipation of the funding cuts, a situation that abortion rights advocates have said hurt reproductive health globally.ā€)


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