joy burklund Opens Up About New Single “Steady Heart,” Her Debut Album ‘Songbouquet,’ and Guitars
Philly-based indie-rock trans songstress joy burklund & her band recently released their latest single, “Steady Heart,” the second single from their upcoming debut album, Songbouquet, set for release on March 22.
burklund explains, “I wrote ‘Steady Heart’ for my long-term partner, who I fell in love with in high school. That was nearly 20 years ago, over 10 years before either of us transitioned. It’s a love song for someone who has been through it with you, who’s been an anchor through turbulent change. Who you’ve bonded with through the hardest, and happiest, and weirdest times. It’s the sharing of a silly, dusty memory with that person, a sigh of gratitude, a celebration. As we prepare to release ‘Songbouquet’ it felt right to lead with this one- an uncomplicated I love you.”
She adds, “I started coming out as trans publicly in 2022 at age 32, changing my name to joy a year later. So much new emotion came up. And it had to come out- in song. This record is a document of all that change.”
Songbouquet is stylistically diverse, ranging from the Americana-flavored ballad “Not Gonna Fall” to the fingerpicking guitar of “Next Life” to the rock anthem “Sunrays.” burkland’s playful, insightful lyrics hark back to artists such as the Moldy Peaches, Regina Spektor, and Diane Cluck, while her dynamic guitar riffs conjure up sensations of Ted Leo and the Pharmacists, and The Thermals.
Produced by Philadelphia’s Mattie Chaya Kimberly Klauser of Pillow Princess, Songbouquet features a talented lineup of trans and queer collaborators at all levels of production, including guest vocalists Sam Rise, Amber Jane of Moondrifts, and Zaza Diana Oh.
Guitar Girl Magazine spoke with joy burklund to discuss the inspiration for “Steady Heart,” her guitars, and her definition of tone.
What three things can’t you live without?
Love! Friendship! The human voice!! If I were to get a fourth it’s gonna be tinned fish.
What inspired your new single, “Steady Heart?”
I was on a trip abroad with my husband in 2022 and it was a really splendid, extended time we got to spend together. We spent much of the time on long walks reminiscing about old times and crazy stories. We’ve been together nearly 20 years so there’s a lot of ‘em. That trip was also really early in my transition. I was flooded with gratitude to have him by my side as a steady anchor. He makes me feel free and safe, which is what I needed in order to make the leap of evolving myself.
“Steady Heart” is from your upcoming album, Songbouquet. Walk us through your mindset as you recorded the album.
I was pretty overwhelmed with life! It was all being written over the course of first transitioning and re-finding my sense of self in lots of kinds of relationships. I was writing these songs as a way of distilling the overwhelming feelings, sometimes to soothe myself, sometimes as a way to release something difficult, sometimes as a devotion. I love that I have this record of that time, and for the record, things feel a lot different now!
There’s a strong LGBTQ+ community in Philadelphia where you produced this project. How do you think communities like these are valuable in today’s music industry?
Oh, don’t ask me about the music industry. I’m just a girl! Every human being has gotta go out there and find their people. We live in a culture of isolation and loneliness. Some people find their people online and that can be rad! I’ve been finding my people making music and I’m lucky so many of them are playing with me on this record.
How do you feel your music chimes with the current outlook of society as a whole?
Thanks a lot, you just made me shit myself! But listen. We’re not gonna let the fuckers stop us from loving on each other or ourselves, ever, ever till the very end. And that’s that.
Which singers/musicians influenced your sound?
I learned guitar by learning Ted Leo songs in high school, so he’s a big one. The way he carries both spring lead lines and really ferocious rhythm parts… what a legend! His music has taught me so much not only about style and technique but also how punk music can be sooo pretty and melodic… while still saying fuck the government!
What kind of guitar do you play?
There are three electric guitars I used on the record. Mainly, a Fender deluxe telecaster. I’ve mostly always been a humbucker girlie since playing my first guitar (Epiphone Les Paul). Buuuuuut my favorite guitar is the one I am holding on the album cover, a custom Deluxecaster made from salvaged parts by Richie Baxt (NYC East Village legend, look him up). It has two P-90s with clarity, but still plenty of punch. It plays so fast and so light which is super fun.
What is your definition of tone? And has your tone changed over time?
I like fiddling with pedals and amps as much as the next, but to me, the fun part is when tone intersects with and responds to touch. I learned guitar in a punk band so palm muting and heavy thrashes are always part of the vocabulary. I like a tone dialed in that rides the dynamics of all that.
What can you share about your writing process?
Creation is a process of befriending yourself. The same way you get to know what a new friend likes and doesn’t like. When I create, I learn through trial and error about – oh hey I like it this way, this way doesn’t do it for me, but that way really does it! You can let your sense of what’s pleasurable be a compass towards a clearing that’s really yours.
What’s next for joy burklund & her band?
Our album release show is March 26 at PhilaMOCA in Philadelphia! So that… and also a nice long bath!
Follow joy burklund & her band Website | Instagram | Bandcamp | Spotify
Pre-Order Songbouquet
The Perch, Philadelphia, PA / February 14, 2025 (Solo with The Monthly Fund).
PhilaMOCA, Philadelphia, PA / March 26, 2025 (Full band album release show with support from Lizdelize and Lars).