Love is Blind Season 8 Reunion: Every Thought We Had

Break out your sock bin and don’t tell your sister. Love is Blind season 8’s reunion is here.

The Minnesota-based season came to an end with one couple—Taylor and Daniel—making it all the way from the pods to marriage. But that doesn’t mean we have to say goodbye to our other engaged couples, Devin and Virginia, Joey and Monica, Sara and Ben, and Lauren and Dave, just yet.

They along with love triangle podsters Mason, Meg, and Molly all got together to hash out their drama one last time in the Love is Blind season 8 reunion on Sunday night, and not gonna lie, some tea was spilled. We gathered the Glamour Group Chat to watch, and here are our live reactions.

The reunion is here! Hosts Vanessa and Nick Lachey welcome the cast and they come in, or in Joey’s case roll in.“Why is Joey on a skateboard?” —Sam Reed, senior trending news and entertainment editor

“Lmao Meg looks mad.” —Sam

“Dave looks stressed.” —Stephanie McNeal, senior editor

“Lauren looks good.”—Monique Wilson, editorial assistant

We start with our one successful couple, Taylor and Daniel.“The unfollow acknowledgement, awk.” —Sam

“Taylor’s hair going with the prom chic trend.”—Stephanie

“There was not enough attention paid to the Christmas tree in that montage.” —Stephanie

Daniel reveals he has gotten a tattoo of Taylor’s eyes on his chest
and it’s huge.“Oh my god, what in the Kourtney/Travis.” —Sam

“That tattoo was SO much bigger than I thought it would be.”—Emily Tannenbaum, contributor

Now it’s on to the mess. First up, Virginia and Devin.“Wait, why does Virginia sound like a completely different person
in a good way!” —Stephanie


“Is he saying he disagrees with the things she just said?! Like LGBTQ rights and valuing other religious beliefs?!”—Emily

“‘I don’t see her as my ex,’ is not how that works lol.” —Sam

“Oooop note from an ex girlfriend???”—Monique

“I feel like Virginia seems so much more confident and sure of herself.” —Stephanie

“I feel like she was being very introspective during filming which is why we didn’t see her personality shown. But now she has her mind made up so she is clear about it.”—Monique

“Virginia got herself a power bob in preparation to destroy Devin’s life!!!!!!” —Stephanie

“You can tell Devin is so hurt. He’s so defensive.”—Monique

“OMG not him calling them drunk.”—Monique

“That clarity comes in the final hour, more like the extra check comes in if you go through with the wedding.”—Stephanie

Now it’s time for Ben and Sara.“Ben sounds soooo rehearsed.”—Stephanie

“We need Sara’s sister’s GF asking the questions.”—Stephanie

Sara says that Ben essentially ghosted her when she moved to Nashville for a travel nurse position. He only got back in touch, she says, to tell her a former cast member told him they should get on the same page before the reunion. Who was it? Jimmy from season 6.“I need a live reaction shot of Jimmy.” —Sam

“Jimmy is NOT who you want to take advice from.”—Emily

“Imagine searching for someone to help you get good PR at the Love is Blind reunion and landing on

“Women: 2, men: 0.” —Sam

Now, it’s on to Joey and Monica. Monica says she felt as if Joey wasn’t romantically interested in her, and Joey responds by saying the criticism from her sister hurt them.“Please, stop blaming the sisters! LEAVE THE SEASON 8 SISTERS ALONE.”—Emily

“The sister is such a cop out, he just was not into her.”—Stephanie

Monica then drops some tea—after meeting some other podmates during their engagement, Joey slid into another season 8 lady’s DMs: Madison.“I caught that smirk Joey—I’m so tired of these men.”—Emily

“Never trust a Golden Retriever man.”—Stephanie

“Never trust a SELF-PROCLAIMED Golden Retriever man. Remember Trevor?”—Emily

“I feel like Madison is going to be everyone’s punching bag and I’m already upset about it.”—Emily

“I need Joey to stop smiling.” —Monique

“I would be so infuriated with him if I was Monica. There is absolutely no accountability with these men.” —Monique

“Wow the men are trash aren’t they.” —Sam

“And on top of all that, his hair looks bad!”—Stephanie

“Monica is a queen and Joey, you don’t need to have the last word.”—Emily

“Cause of death: Monica’s stare.” —Sam

Then Nick Lachey gets to ask the question of the night: Dave, what’s wrong with you?“I KNEW HIS SISTER DIDN’T WANT HIM TO GO ON THE SHOW BECAUSE SHE KNEW HE’D BE A FOOL!”—Emily

“Dave’s in full defense mode.”—Stephanie

“Is he sunburned?” —Sam

“Burned with the shame of his behavior.”—Stephanie

“He only tried to get to the bottom of things for the past TWO WEEKS? He’s not. It’s a copout. He’s attempting to win back favor by saying what he THINKS they want to hear.”—Emily

“Is he taking responsibility? I can’t tell lol.” —Sam

“Humiliate yourself Dave! Do it, do it grovel!”—Stephanie

“He thinks about Lauren all the time but only investigated the dude for the past two weeks? Sure, Jan. He contradicts himself at every turn.”—Emily

“I need a sister reveal so bad pls Nick and Vanessa pls.”—Stephanie

“If he was a good brother he’d leave his sister out of this and tell people it was his fault. Like he knows people are looking up his sister on social media and posting her photos on TikTok. He should be trying to protect her like she tried to protect him.”—Emily

“I love Molly hating all men all year.”—Stephanie

“Not a single man has come across well this whole time, not even in the flashbacks.” —Sam

Mason and Meg are up! Mason reveals that while the duo tried dating after the pods, ultimately they decided to just be “best friends.” They then hash things out with their other member of their love triangle: Madison.“Why is every single man accusing Madison of being into them? I feel like it’s really weird.”—Emily

“It feels misogynistic!”—Stephanie

“Damn why do I kinda like Madison now.”—Monique

“Alex does NOT need to be here.” —Sam

“Not the cut to Mason after Madison said Alex said he had no friends.”—Stephanie


“Three skull emojis, that is NOT a friend!”—Stephanie

“I understand that Madison wasn’t perfect and didn’t grant Mason grace during the pods and spoke for Meg and all of that, but I don’t understand why everyone else on this show is allowed to feel confused and waver but she’s not. And Mason’s ‘I’m glad you think I’m smart enough to manipulate anyone’ was such a cop out. If he’s allowed to feel pressured by her, she’s allowed to feel manipulated by him because she wouldn’t have realized he was sharing his ‘commitment’ under duress.

They were BOTH in a very unusual situation and trying to figure it out. Why does one of them have to be a villain and why is it ALWAYS the woman who is expected to be unimpeachable? But yeah, poor Mason I guess.”—Emily

“The poor girl’s hands were shaking but she nailed it!”—Stephanie

“I felt how gaslit and backed into a corner Madison was during that entire exchange. And I’m glad she brought those screenshots—I wish she brought more and I wish Nick and Vanessa pushed Alex to be real.”—Emily

With that, the rehashing of the drama is over. We move on to happier news: season six’s AD Smith and Ollie Sutherland, a contestant on Love is Blind UK, are not only dating—they are engaged! And will appear on Perfect Match Season 3.“Okay that was cute.” —Sam

“I love that they just don’t care about spoiling Perfect Match.”—Emily

Finally, players from the Minnesota Vikings and Denver Broncos announce that season 9 of Love is Blind will be in Denver, Colorado. And we are treated to a performance from Alex Warren, who you may know from TikTok.So, what are our final thoughts on the season?“Dating seems rough out there in Minneapolis—and I live in Los Angeles.”—Emily

“Sending love to the single straight women of Minneapolis.”—Sam


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