Weekly Horoscope: February 9 to February 15, 2025
Your weekly horoscope is here. A full moon in drama-loving Leo dials up the fun and entertainment, but don’t just sit back with the popcorn—participate. Be a part of your own herstory rather than spending too much time on the sidelines of other people’s lives. A radical spanner in the works could be just what you need to break out of a particular mindset, rut, or habitual area of your life. Consider what that might be and how you’re going to engage with your destiny—whether through incremental steps or mammoth decisions. Expect the unexpected and hit that ball back because you, dear reader, are in the game of life—Your life. Make it count.
And since we’re in group-oriented Aquarius season, the biggest wins depend on teamwork to make the dream work. Mercury zips through dreamy Pisces from Friday, so draw on your imagination for a romantic Valentine’s or a gorgeous Galentine’s with your gal gang.
Read on to discover what’s in store for your sign during the week of February 9 through February 15, 2025.
Aries (March 21–April 19)La Luna shines bright as a full moon peaks midweek in your sphere of romance and self-expression. If you haven’t honed how to best spend your leisure time, this is it. Plan a holiday, take a break, go see a movie or show. Art gallery or band? Yes, be entertained. But what about your own self-expression? Rather than just consuming, balance it with some creative output of your own. This is where you do you—what you love and enjoy. Nurture yourself with creativity and share it with children, or the young at heart, they’ll reconnect you with the joy of life. As Mercury, the planet of communication, heads into your sphere of dreams, it’s time to tune into symbols, soul, and subconscious messages. Crack open a new dream diary to capture those fragments as soon as you wake. As you recount them, meaning may surface.
Taurus (April 20–May 20)Larger than life, this week’s full moon is in lux-loving Leo—and that’s something you have in common with this sign. You both love nice things, appreciate quality, and can stand more than a little pampering. Lighting up your domestic sphere midweek, it’s the perfect time to plan a party, mixer, or—gild the lily, as they say. Add something that makes your pad feel extra special. An unexpected turn of events or plot twist is absolutely on the cards, so roll with it and take any new information as a blessing. Your direction or sense of self might feel a jolt, so find the silver lining. Or perhaps you’re the one delivering the surprise. Taureans have been shaking things up for several years, so do what feels right and balance your personal needs with your home life and career.
Gemini (May 21–June 21)Building to a midweek peak, the full moon blasts its silver light in the key of dramatic, attention-loving Leo. Rather than resist the social high, make the most of the extra energy. Go for self-expression, fun, and entertainment in your local area, take a short trip or vacation, or get to work on a writing project. If you’ve had ideas swirling around your mind for some time—or just popping up in the moment—focus and get them down for posterity. Don’t judge it, just create it. You can refine it later. Also, it’s prime time to debate a creative project, whether personal or community-driven. Since Mercury, your ruling planet, is so zippy, it’s changed signs again—this time into watery, nebulous Pisces. That nebulousness sums up the communication style for the next 2.5 weeks; ask for clarification and don’t assume!
Cancer (June 22–July 22)As this month’s full moon lights up your financial sphere, it’s time to value your resources—whether hard-won or natural talent. Dig deep, be proud of them, and own what you bring to the table. Or, what you could bring once you realize the full extent of your potential. This is a live-out-loud kind of lunar peak, full of drama—so get creative with it rather than engaging in dust-ups. Yes, you may want to splurge on something luxurious, invest in gold, or grab a theater pass—whatever kind of entertainment you value. Or, it’s time for you to monetize your own talent and set your ticket price! Mercury moving into your big-picture sphere suggests taking a wide-angle view of your life.
Leo (July 23–August 22)As La Luna builds up to full in Leo on Wednesday, this week is bound to host some revelations. What does the silvery light reveal in your life? A peak of passion, drama, or feeling? Anything can happen—and probably will—so guide this one with positive intentions. Your consciousness will notice what you’re looking for or call your attention to it. You’ll be surprised at how fast this happens if you get it right. Or, just flow with the week and see where the spotlight lands. It’s a great time to nurture yourself with a show or position yourself for some well-earned praise. Debut your work, show off your progress, and roll with any sudden surprises with the motto: the show must go on. Make adjustments on the go.
Virgo (August 23–September 22)As La Luna peaks in your sphere of sleep and collective consciousness, expect flashes of half-remembered scenes—like fragments of dreams. Channel the silvery muse if you’re feeling creative. Just draw, write, or dance and see what flows out. This is a great time to keep a dream diary, either written or drawn. The drama is real with this one, as it stirs up some tension around you. Retreating to your inner sanctum is entirely your prerogative. It may help to quiet your mind and get in touch with your feelings without interruption. This is also a reminder to take time out from work, chores, and obligations to others for some dedicated me time. From Wednesday evening to Friday morning, the moon swans through your sign—so get started on an idea. Mercury in your opposite sign suggests others may not be crystal clear, but they are certainly empathetic.
Libra (September 23–October 23)It may be a midweek full moon, but if you can swing it, organize a social get-together in the lead-up, on the night, or catch the beams in post if that feels less intense. The romance is turned way up with this one, so muster your Galentines or Valentines and make it a night to remember. Go for the statement date or event—and expect the unexpected! There’s a built-in surprise with this one. This is not a time to sit back in the corner booth—this is an upfront and center kind of week. Get out and about, tend to groups, friends, clubs, or a big peer event. If you’re being honored, lap it up with grace—you deserve it. La Luna floats through your sign over the weekend, so one-on-one time, creating beauty, balance, and harmony (aka equality, justice, and fairness) is the way to win.
Scorpio (October 24–November 21)The way royals appear on the balcony and wave to adoring crowds, or a rock star makes a grand entrance on stage—this week, it’s your way or the highway. Show up and show off, Scorpio. A full moon in your career and public sphere suggests you dial up the drama (in a positive way), lead, accept honors, and take pride in your work and self. Seek connections and heartfelt alliances like lionesses. They stay together for life, share duties, food, cub-sitting, defend, and expand their territories when needed. Their strength is in their loyalty and cooperation as a collective. That’s something you can relate to, so bring your professional pride and build your empire.
Sagittarius (November 22–December 21)With this week’s full moon in fire sign Leo, expect to feel the flames of glory light your own fires of expansion, joy, and good old drama. This is a fun and inspirational week, full of energy and emotions that could be channeled into creative pursuits, travel plans, or expanding your personal framework. Write down your ideas, get them rolling, and build them out. This may also be a culmination of something you set in motion six months ago. Spread your wings, Sagittarius—you’re ready to fly. Maintain pride without ego for the win. See a show, put one on, or head to an exotic location for date night—this one feels good. Just balance it with an eye on your local pursuits. Sometimes the grass isn’t always greener far, far away—the resources you need are right here on home ground. And sometimes, it’s a mix of both.
Capricorn (December 22–January 19)Wednesday’s full moon lights up your sphere of intimacy and shared resources, so catch a romantic view of La Luna by candlelight. In the sign of Leo, it’s especially dramatic, so the entire week may carry an air of over-the-top emotion. That’s why theater, entertainment, or channeling that passion into a romantic twosome is a great way to make the most of it. This lunation may also highlight a deep connection, a peak in something begun six months ago, or a fated encounter with someone tall, dark, and gorgeous. This isn’t an entirely solo full moon—unless you’re plumbing the depths of your psyche for inspiration, uncovering the root of drama in your life, or rewatching Demi Moore in Ghost, and that pottery wheel scene. Either way—have fun, play, get creative, and seek to be entertained…unless you are the entertainer.
Aquarius (January 20–February 18)Since this is your birthday month and the sun is in your sign, the full moon for this period lands in your opposite sign—Leo. This activates the polarity between you as the detached, group-oriented one, and Leo, the fire sign of entertainment, leadership, and single-pointed spotlight. This full moon reminds you to find your me-time. Ironically, since it also activates your partnership zone, that me-time may actually be one-on-one appreciation aka we-time with your number-one bae, bestie, or collaborator. Call in the praise and allow yourself to be treated like a V.I.P. Stand up for your passionate heart and do something hyper-creative together—or pull out all the stops on a romantic midweek date. Then do it all again for Galentine’s or Valentine’s on Friday.
Pisces (February 19–March 20)This week’s full moon lights up your sphere of work and wellness, balancing time out with spiritual or artistic pursuits. Remember to bring your creative genius into the real world—through service to others, your work, or everyday rituals. Accept praise for your efforts gracefully—you’ve earned it. Take pride in your accomplishments, projects, and whatever stage you’re at. Self-care this week means entertainment, fantasy, and artistic drama. Remember: if you can dream it, you can be it. Especially from Friday, when the communication planet Mercury heads into your sign. Zipping through by March 3, it’s time to download creative ideas and feel the vibes—it’s a highly symbolic, verging-on-psychic level of intel. Read the room and interpret the message.
Vanessa Montgomery—a.k.a. Astro All-Starz—is a professional counseling astrologer and the author of the upcoming Astro Power: A Simple Guide to Prediction and Destiny for the Modern Mystic. Aimed at enlightenment and seeing past labels to the oneness that unites us all, Montgomery’s work also helps navigate the practical essentials with grounded cosmic intel. Her motto: Free your mind, own your power, create your world. You can learn more at astroallstarz.com or follow Montgomery on Instagram @astro_allstarz.