Weekly Horoscope: June 9 to June 15, 2024

Your weekly horoscope is here. If the driver of the season is the Sun in Gemini, the vehicle is surely Mars, the planet of energy and action. On Sunday, it pulls out of the fast lane, gearing down into cruise mode. If you find yourself veering toward snacks, sensual delights, and forecasting your financials on your calculator, that’s because Mars is in hedonist Taurus through July 20. Take action to stabilize recent initiatives into something viable that will stand the test of time, and decide how much you’re willing to get out of bed for. A biscuit, a back rub, or a booming business idea? Aim for tangible conversions in your conversation, copy, and promo. Over the weekend, Mercury is ‘in the heart of the Sun’ (merged), so say the thing, and note incoming messages, messengers, and epiphanies!

Read on to discover your weekly horoscope and what’s in store for your sign during the week of June 9 through June 15, 2024.

AriesAs mighty Mars, your ruling planet, switches out of your sign for a slower pace in sumptuous Taurus, it’s time to put the rubber to the road in your financial sphere. Perhaps clearing out items by selling them over one of the many digital marketplaces, focusing on your prices, or actioning a new offer, side hustle, or income stream. Put some energy toward building your resources; focus and stay on course. Rather than a full-throttle short race, think longer-term and sustainable. Opportunities for healing sensitivity around the way you express yourself and ideas or mentoring others are on the cards this week. It’s easy to keep a cool head in hot moments right now.

TaurusEvery two years each sign benefits from martial Mars, the planet of action, through their sign. This Sunday through July 20, you’re hosting this principle of energy and assertion. Which means you get a boost, while Mars takes on Taurus themes. If Mars was behind the driver’s wheel, it would stop at its favorite gourmet deli, picnic in a scenic nature spot or park, get a massage, or give one. Utilize the boost for self-care, self-assertion, standing up for yourself, and of course getting ahead on a practical DIY, professional project, or sewing your valuables into your mattress, we see you, Taurus! A wonderful time of excess get-up-and-go. Just mind the pitfalls of spending it on too much self-indulgence. Get the balance right and you’ll be ahead of the game, feeling great, and looking good!

GeminiAs the planet of energy, assertion, and action activates your sphere of sleep, dreams, and liminal spaces, be sure to get extra rest. Sensuality and spirituality meet with active listening to your inner landscape. What is your body telling you? To rest? To sit and be still in nature? To absorb beauty and music and whatever nourishes your soul? Then take that time, slow down somewhat, but not entirely. Savor your pit stops. Clarity builds through the week, peaking with great potential for an epiphany, connection, or problem-solving. Direct your mind, stay open to contacts, and practice conscious communication for the win.

CancerIt’s time to explore, or indulge in a social aspect of your life as energetic Mars activates your sphere of groups, friends, and clubs. Immerse in nature to energize and restore your batteries with a picnic, slow ramble, or gals-only day spa. Take the initiative to make practical contacts with others in an area of interest. Or volunteer for something meaningful and charitable, from a soup kitchen to planting trees. The efforts you expend support your vitality and sense of self, so consider taking a leadership role. You like to get things started, after all, and this way you can call the shots, and with more kindness than most. The ball won’t roll by itself, however, the effort required certainly comes back in benefits.

LeoBy mid-afternoon on Sunday, la Luna heads up your sign for the next couple of days. This makes for a particularly sparkling and social time, so add a few engagements, even if that’s a call to a friend or, even better, a group chat. You may be brimming with original ideas, so narrow them down and execute them as well as possible. Work on an aspect of your creative game to lift the bar. It’s never too early to plan for that Leo birthday extravaganza, discuss your ideas, and invite your favorite people. They’ll have plenty of time to plan their outfits or costumes. Most importantly, so will you. Mars in your career sector suggests conscious awareness of your direction and perhaps a little resistance. Lay out your options and consider your path forward; you’ll benefit from a pragmatic approach.

VirgoPlanning a trip or study? Your sphere of all things international and horizon-expanding is hosting the planet of getting things done, Mars. Energy and drive are on your side if you’re heading off to anywhere-but-here. That could be physically, intellectually, spiritually, or as a cultural foodie. Look up and don’t dwell on detail the whole time; take big-picture action. When you take the high road, you shine, so lead by example. Explore the philosophy behind food, natural health systems, or whichever topic really grabs your interest through July 20. Self-assertion is strong, so make the most of it if your humble, service-oriented sign has been doing a little too much lately! It’s okay to say no when you need to.

LibraThis week begins with a shift of scene for Mars, the principle of action. Consider less rat race and more pacing yourself as you savor life and connect with others in a deep and meaningful way. The clock is ticking, so make it practical. If you’re bombarded with requests to work for free or lend your services, make sure it’s a two-way deal with plenty of transparency. Remember that you’ve got better things to do than build someone else’s business unless it’s fair. A collaborator could really catch your eye, and you know just what to do with them. In fact, this month you’re particularly gifted at gauging other people’s battery power and potential.

ScorpioOne of the planets associated with your sign, Mars, is heading into your opposite sign from Sunday through July 20. This means the sparks fly as your one-to-one relationship sphere is activated and ready to rumble. In the sign of Taurus, it’s more indulgent than quarrelsome, but don’t be drawn in if the raucous side of Mars appears. Remain calm and consistent, de-stress with some solid self-care, and channel your energy into working toward something meaningful. If you notice yourself attempting to have someone do something for you, consider if you could be getting it done yourself. You’re perfectly capable, and an abundance of YouTube tutorials have your back. Around Friday, note the headline in your life and do a hot take on it to boil down the issue; this one could be hot and spicy.

SagittariusSlow life down in your work and wellness sector as Mars muscles up this sphere from Sunday. Focus on building a simple yet powerful daily routine rather than trying a variety of new things. Pin down what works best for you; consistency is essential. Take the lead in your work and stick to a particular project or tangent. It’s not about getting it all done today or last minute. Instead, map out the best route and take it a bit at a time. The same with your fitness rituals. It’s the consistency that pays off in the end, even if it’s walking more, a yoga routine on rising, or meditation and re-centering a couple of times a day. Later in the week, communication is at a peak in your one-on-ones. Perhaps a conversation sparks a brilliant idea, and messages are swapped. What is the message you’re receiving as well as sharing?

CapricornYou’re officially the activities officer as Mars, the planet of action, shifts into your leisure and hobbies zone. Get out for a hike or at least a stroll, indulge in design or some practical arts, or sprawl out for a massage. Gentle endurance, like a rolling gallery tour or picking up a new yet handy craft, is perfect. Trying your hand at slow foods is meditative as well as practical; DIY sour dough anyone? Self-expression peaks later in the week with a brilliant idea, breakthrough, or connection in your work zone. This is great for a presentation as well as networking, so put the social side in as well as the actual work. Your wellness benefits from time to unwind your mind and let it deliver what you’ve asked it to. Sit back and see what answers come when you ask them.

AquariusAs Mars, the planet of energy, drive, and assertion muscles up in your domestic sphere, be sure not to overdo or underdo it. This could bring out your contrary side, so rather than slip into resistance, find a middle way. Find a way to channel your energy and ideas into a practical application. Concepts are great, but testing them to see if they work is reality. It’s time to see if your ideas hold water. Build a garden, fix those bits and pieces, and tend to the more mundane but necessary chores you may have been holding off. You’ll feel more grounded and satisfied once you do. Your time off holds the most intellectually thrilling moments, so pursue conversations, your thoughts, or pen your knowledge into a book outline you’d enjoy writing. Then start filling it out!

PiscesAn experiential course on anything from massage, macrame, or money management supports your love of beauty and the lurking insecurity that while we are simply expressions of the divine source, a gal still needs to eat and pay the rent/mortgage! Sunday through July 20, you have the energy and drive to push your needle forward by acting on ideas, intel, or contacts you’ve previously initiated. Clear communication in your domestic sphere around Friday is much easier if you pass the talking stick, stick to the facts, and get to the point. A puzzle or situation is easier to solve now, so set your mind to task. Apply detachment and approach with an attitude of curiosity about what, why, and where. This could be a breakthrough moment if you can maintain a flexible approach.

Vanessa Montgomery—a.k.a. Astro All-Starz—is a professional counseling astrologer and the upcoming author of Astro Power: A Simple Guide to Prediction and Destiny for the Modern Mystic. Aimed at enlightenment and seeing past labels to the oneness that unites us all, Montgomery’s work also helps navigate the practical essentials with grounded cosmic intel. Her motto: Free your mind, own your power, create your world. You can learn more at astroallstarz.com or follow Montgomery on Instagram @astro_allstarz.


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