Weekly Horoscope: March 3 to March 9, 2024

Your weekly horoscope is here. If you’ve faced backlash around pioneering or your journey of independence and self-discovery, you’re not alone. Being a trailblazer hasn’t historically been equal opportunity. That’s why this week, we must seize the day and break through. Heal your inner warrior, and push past internalized limitations (yes, shove them, elbow to the rib). Find inspiration and invite people who encourage, cheer you on, and want the best for you. Don’t wait for someone else to show up; be the change, lead, do the thing, be that person, and take charge of your life in a small or significant way.

Read on to discover your weekly horoscope and what’s in store for your sign during the week of March 3 through March 9, 2024.

AriesThis week holds a potent note of destiny for you, Aries. A rare alignment in your sign points the way forward as you take assertive action on your path. The last time this particular combination took place in your sign was February 1969, which happened to be the month the radical Redstockings group wrote their manifesto for women’s rights. Perhaps in your way, you are ready to advance your cause or be the brave soul who stands or speaks up. Aligning with your natural traits of assertion, independence, and strength is part of your healing and destiny, so attend to inner resistance and unhook any psychological shackles. Like a superhero, break chains of limitation. Later in the week is a creative space, so take time out to pen or immerse in your thoughts.

TaurusA little independence in your zen zone is in order. That could be freedom for siestas when you need them or time in your own company some nights if you share a room. Keep a journal by your bed as your direction may become more clear when you ‘sleep on it’. Especially if you ask your higher self or subconscious to give you direction. Set an intention that you’ll wake with your answer. Repeat throughout the week and see what you come up with! The end of the week is ripe for creative downloads, visions, and feeling connected. Best spent socially, this is a fab time to get together in a spiritual, mystic, or artistic circle, manifest together, see live music, or visit a gallery. Try your hand at poetry or songwriting, or indulge in sensual delight by appreciating the talents of professionals.

GeminiThe moon gilds your opposite sign and sphere of relationships with her soft silver light over the weekend and the best part of Monday. Use this time to connect emotionally, share your feelings, listen, and be available. Share an adventure and take a spontaneous approach for the best bonding of the month. Over this period and peaking on Tuesday, leap into a new social group, situation, or experience. As a sign of variety and versatility, you generally love a new social novelty. If there are any hurts or burrs from a group situation, this week is when you finally pull it out, heal, and move forward. Consider the support of a group to help propel you; that could be an online women’s business collective or group, team sport, or athletics. Sometimes you’re able to catch more opportunities solo, so see what comes up for you.

CancerIf you’ve been holding back on your leadership or entrepreneurial skills in your career zone, this is your week to shift out of that stubborn gear. Consider how a fresh direction, more autonomy, or your own venture could work for you and where you may be holding yourself back. If it’s circumstances that stand in your way, perhaps you can be a force for change in your life and for those who look up to and are influenced by you. That may be in your immediate family or much further afield. Most of us don’t live in a bubble or on an island and depend on others to model what we need to see. This week that may be you, Cancer. Take steps that light you up, and others will be guided by the path you illuminate.

LeoYou’re a glam sign that knows how to entertain and have fun, and that’s what this weekend is about, so turn the vibe to casual adventure as the moon rides through your zone of leisure and romance. Move your body to move your mind. The knock-on effect may very well be expanded horizons. Speaking of trying new things, there’s an influence that suggests working through prior wounding around higher education, traveling, and even media. Or it could be you sharing your wisdom and leadership through a podcast or YouTube channel to help others take creative control of an aspect of their lives. Friday sees a super creative and boundary-dissolving influence in your sphere of sex and secrets. This is a great time to share some of your inner musings and listen to a close confidante’s spellbinding tale.

VirgoIf there’s something in the way of you and your destiny, this is the week to take a look at it, heal and clear it, and then take action. Perhaps part of that healing IS in taking action, being assertive, or striking out in a direction you’re passionate about. In the sphere of intimacy, secrets, and resources through others, there may be someone ready to provide key assistance. Later in the week, take a stroll with someone special, share your hearts, or bond over arts, music, or a shared care factor. This is a romantic and potentially psychic period of connectivity. Sensitivity is high around communication and picking up on ‘the vibes’. There’s also more than a little foggy intel, so ask for clarification if you’re not seeing the 20/20 vision.

LibraAs the planet Chiron ‘the wounded healer’ moves through your opposite sign and the sphere of your relationships, it suggests you may attract a few wounded birds into your life. And through the mirror of a relationship, they may reflect some vital intel to you. Perhaps this is your call to pick up or sharpen skills around one-to-one relationships, like counseling or consulting. Or could you do it with a revitalized sense of purpose, passion, and initiative? Lean into your assertiveness and drive, take the initiative, and destiny may be more easily convinced to make an appearance. Later in the week, your work and wellness zone hosts a soft alignment that’s great for sensitivity, creativity, and subtle, if not psychic, intel, while not great for real-world clarity. You may feel the need for escape, seclusion, or total immersion. Put the noise-canceling headphones on and take time out to float on a river of sound.

ScorpioIf you have a glitchy step around wellness and work this week, take it on the chin and use that intel to look closer at what or where you were triggered. This is where you need to do some healing and activate your assertive, pioneering, go-getter mode. Or perhaps it’s someone else you meet through work that you’re able to stand back up on their feet and send on their way. The mentor side of this alignment may see you taking someone under your wing and showing them the track. It’s a wonderful week romantically, so make the most of time off and enjoy dates, a night out, or head to a concert, or art gallery. If you’re the creative type, Friday is ground zero for inspired art, poetry, writing, or just escaping the day-to-day in a movie or series guaranteed to transport you. Enjoy!

SagittariusThe moon rolls through your sign over the weekend and into Monday afternoon, so taste some freedom and enjoy a spontaneous mini-adventure; a road trip! That could also be an adventure in sound, turning inward through a group class, or experiencing a guided ancestral healing (and discovery) session. There’s a high degree of adaptability, just the way you like it, so if you find yourself changing course, well, perhaps go with your intuition and choose the path that resonates the most. Strike out independently in your sphere of leisure and love. That could mean you make the first move, organize a date, or initiate a business. However, first, you may benefit from healing any wounds around setbacks or internalized limitations. You were born to run free, ignited by your vision, so go forth and blaze your trail, Sagittarius!

CapricornThe moon rolls through your sign Monday afternoon to Wednesday night, aligning the collective mood with Capricorn traits. Notice how you feel and what you feel like doing. Is it a task, polishing up your LinkedIn profile, spending time with family, or working? Take stock, organize, create structure, and delegate to create a sense of achievement. While you are not your work or your status, you know they help grease the wheels in life so attend to them in a way that feels aligned and right for you. There’s a point of destiny we use in astrology, and this week it catches up to ‘Chiron the wounded healer’, in your sphere of home and lineage. Is there a course correction needed here? Perhaps a space of your own to build your empire, forge ahead or just do your thing? Friday is full of creative inspiration. A great day to enjoy your local environment, connect mind and heart, enjoy the arts or lose yourself in creative writing.

AquariusThere are three different types of Aquarius: one is like a Capricorn style of older sister, sensible and ambitious. Then there’s the O.G. that’s a more classic sciencey, activist, save the whales flavor of Aquarius and one that’s split between the detached intellect of Aquarius and the empathetic soul factor of the following sign, Pisces. Which one do you relate most to? The full emo flow of Pisces season continues to share the stage with plenty of Aquarius-themed representations as Pluto (power), Mars (drive), and Venus (pleasure) are in your sign. Wednesday to Friday evenings, the moon will join them, so switch to talk time. This is a brilliant period to find a balance between your heart and your head and conceptualize an ideal into words. Write what everyone is feeling, find the language, and share it. After all, if you’re thinking and feeling it, you’re not the only one.

PiscesLa Luna rolls down toward next week’s new moon in your sign which will round out the weekend. Although there’s more on that in next week’s horoscope, take this week to note what you’re wrapping up for the year, especially emotionally. Reflect on the cycle in terms of emotional connections, home, security, nurturing, children if you have them and your role as a parent, self-parenting, and attachments. Is it time to take an inspired and new direction in terms of earning money, investing, or your values around these areas? Financial independence and autonomy are favored; what impulse are you feeling, Pisces? You may benefit from helping others with their journey. Encourage when you can. On Friday, a romantic and nostalgic alignment in your sign could see you wandering down memory lane. Utilize the time for artistic, mystic, and soulful connections.

Vanessa Montgomery—a.k.a. Astro All-Starz—is a professional counseling astrologer and the upcoming author of Astro Power: A Simple Guide to Prediction and Destiny for the Modern Mystic Aimed at enlightenment and seeing past labels to the oneness that unites us all, Montgomery’s work also helps navigate the practical essentials with grounded cosmic intel. Her motto: Free your mind, own your power, create your world. You can learn more at astroallstarz.com or follow Montgomery on Instagram @astro_allstarz.


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